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Grease Trap is a filtering device and trapping oil that is installed in the sink or stainless steel sink table, its function is to separate the remnants of food containing oil and fat when washed and before being channeled in the final drainpipe, so that there is no clumping of fat the pipes and pipes are safe from clogged problems. The grease trap itself must be corrosion resistant, so we produce all types of grease traps using the best material, stainless steel which is proven to be rust resistant. This grease trap design is equipped with a basket or basket specifically so that all types of food waste are not directly distributed. You can even clean it periodically. so as not to be curious, below we list some of the advantages of the grease trap production of HKA as a manufacturer of stainless steel kitchen sets in Indonesia, based in Bekasi.

Cheap Grease Trap Prices in Jakarta
If you are looking for a center for kitchen equipment or stainless steel kitchen sets such as stainless sink table, gas stove, kwali range, exhaust hood, stainless sink countertop and cheap grease trap in Indonesia, you can check on our website KITCHENEQUIPMENTHKA.CO.ID
The benefits of Grease Trap Stainless steel
Strong and anti-corrosion material, we made using stainless steel.
Ergonomic design. so we designed it to separate rubbish and fat (fat trap).
Equipped with a cover and lock.
Easy to clean and lift.
Can be custom size and model to your liking

Application and Usage
Usually used for kitchen restaurants, chinnese food, sea food restaurants, hotels, cafes, coffee shops, catering, bakery kitchens and can be used for all kitchens both businesses and households.
Product Specification Stainless Steel Grease Trap

Dimensions: 43.6 x 33.6 x 32.5 (cm) - Small size - the size in 40 x 30 x 30 cm
Dimensions: 63.6 x 33.6 x 32.6 (cm) - Large sizes - sizes within 60 x 30 x 30 cm
Stainless steel stainless
Basket Strainer
Pipes and Fittings
Easy to clean
The best quality stainless steel.

Sell ​​Grease Trap JAKARTA, DEPOK, BEKASI, TANGERANG, BOGOR Stainless Steel Material

The price of a kitchen tableThe price of a cheap Stainless Bakery Table Plus a baking rackStainless Steel Cheap and Good Rp. Call

Grease Trap Stainless JAKARTA
Grease Trap or fat filter box, usually under the kitchen sink, its function is to filter the residual fat from the laundry in the bowl. the goal is to separate the meat fats before entering the end of the pipe channel.

If not filtered, aka go straight into the drain pipe, this is very dangerous and fatal. the remaining fat will clot and clog the drain pipe. If this happened in your kitchen, what would you do? especially for restaurants, restaurants, catering and others.

This grase trap is made using stainless steel stainless. specially designed as grase trap works. plus there are several sizes that we provide, namely small size and large size.